Targeted ezine advertising is one of the best ways to advertise online. No matter what your marketing objectives ezine ads can offer help. You can reach your potential customers by placing an ad at email newsletters that target the same audience as yours. Your ads can be very effective when the subscribers consist of previous buyers.
There are many good reasons why e-zine advertising can work well, if done right. But being permission-based is probably the best reason. Ezine subscribers are real people who have voluntarily opted in to receive quality, specific information from the publisher. These people are good prospects and they are more likely to respond to your ads.
Now that you know that targeted ezine advertising is essential for attracting new prospects. Read on to learn how to maximize your return on investment (ROI). The steps will include choosing the right ezines and creating advertisement campaigns and testing the effectiveness of your ads.
Choosing Ezines for Your Ads Placement
Ezine directories are a good place to search for ezines that suit your needs. These directories normally offer search capabilities to help you locate ezines based on categories, number of subscribers, rate for paid ads and many more. You might also find free advertising or discount offers from ezine publishers.
Another way to locate the right ezines is searching them via search engines like Google. Use your niche market keyword phrases to find ezine publishers. For example, just type in “small business ezines” if you offer products or services to small business owners. Or, you could use other keywords that your target audience is using.
For both options subscribe to ezines that you think are good candidates for your ad placement. By subscribing to the ezines and reading them you might find some publishers sending discounted advertising rates straight to your inbox. These are special offers that you would not have access to if you had just ordered an ad without subscribing.
Also, check out their content quality, target audience, and the number of ads per publication. Pay close attention to the same ads that run on a regular basis. These ads are highly likely profitable for the advertiser. Study the ads to help you write your own ads.
Creating Targeted Ezine Advertising Campaigns
Once you choose email newsletter for your internet advertising campaign it’s time to write your ads. Keep your ads short and follow the guideline from your ezine publisher. Create compelling headlines to draw readers to your ad message and then write an ad message that creates interest. Make the readers want to click your link to get more information.
Depending on the objective of your campaign, direct the readers to your sales copy, e-course sign up or ezine subscription. But directing them to a free product oftentimes offers better ROI. When the subscriber clicks on your ad and opt into your mailing list in exchange for the free offer you have a chance follow up with them in the future.
Now test your ad with three low cost, low subscription ezines and track the response. A good ad copy should work well with all the three ezines. Test also different ad copy to see which one is the best and to determine which newsletter is the most effective for ad placement. Don’t go for massive targeted ezine advertising campaigns before you find a proven winner.